Your Family Is Unique

Shouldn’t The Solutions Be Unique Too?

We specialise in giving legal help and advice.

Divorce, domestic violence and abuse, custody, separation and maintenance

Collaborative Law

Collaborative Law - what is it and how can it help me?

Collaborative law is a way of working that avoids the uncertainty and unpleasantness of taking matters to court.

Are you considering separating or divorcing from your partner or spouse?  Then the collaborative process could well be the best approach.  Simply put, you agree to work with your lawyer and your partner’s lawyer (sometimes with other family professionals too) to avoid the uncertainty and expense of court proceedings.  Using the collaborative process, you agree to reach a settlement that meets the needs of you all - especially the children.

The process encourages parties to agree a fair, equitable settlement.

Of course, signing up for the process is voluntary.  Both parties and their solicitors sign a ‘participation agreement’, binding everyone to the process.  If the process breaks down, neither solicitor nor their firms can represent you in court proceedings.

Not every lawyer is an accredited collaborative lawyer.  But for Towcester Family Law Practice, it’s key to much of our work.  Call us and we’ll discuss with you the Collaborative process

Is the Collaborative approach for everyone?
Unfortunately, no.  You may be facing a situation where

  • your partner or spouse refuses to take the collaborative route.  For the process to work, both parties have to sign up.
  • You feel the process won’t produce the best outcome for you or your children.

Talk to us to decide what is the right approach for you.

Ring us on 01327 358321

We can help


When does the Collaborative approach work best?

The process works effectively across a wide range of family issues -


  • Pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements
  • Legal Separation
  • Divorce related financial issues
  • Issues relating to children
  • Residence (custody)
  • Care proceedings
  • Time spent (access)
  • Parental responsibility


Avoid the unpleasantness of going to court. Talk to us about Collaboration. We can help.
towcester family law